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Tangosprouts Community Manual

Written by: Dr. Claus Springborg

Table of content


Tangospirer purpose

  • The main purpose is not to make participants good tango dancers. The main purpose is to make participants feel part of a vibrant and friendly community, become friends and ultimately become part of and bring Tangospirer culture to the Copenhagen tango scene.
  • Tango doesn’t make young people come back. The feeling of community does.
  • It doesn’t matter whether they do it right. It matters whether they love doing it.

Tangospirer culture

Tangospirer culture is different from the general tango culture in some significant ways. We have drawn on elements from other social dances to create a social setting that supports a friendly and welcoming atmosphere and the formation of friendships.

It is ok to only dance one dance: First, in the general tango culture people will normally dance at least three dances together before changing partners. In Tangospirer it is ok to dance one single dance with a partner. We did this because it makes more skilled dancers more willing to dance with the new dancers if it is ok to just dance a single dance – rather than three or more.

It is ok to dance as long as you like: Second, in the general tango culture music is played in tandas (sets of 3 to 5 tangos) and in between tandas a cortina is played (20 to 30 seconds of non-tango music). During the cortinas, all people are supposed to leave the floor. However, if we clear the floor in this way, the new people might not come back on the floor. So, we do not play cortinas and instead let people go on the floor and leave the floor whenever they want to. They goal is to get people to stay on the floor as much as possible.

Everyone leads and follows: Third, in the general tango culture there are often more woman than men. If woman only learn to follow and men only learn to lead, this gender imbalance has the effect that many women will sit and be bored because all the men are busy dancing. In Tangospirer, we teach everyone to both lead and follow from day one. In this way, there will always be someone to dance with. Furthermore, learning both roles gives you an understanding for the challenges of the other role and makes you more sympathetic to your dance partner. Finally, learning both roles simply makes you a much better dancer.

Invite to dance by asking directly: Fourth, in the general tango culture people invite using cabeceo. In Tangospirer, people simply ask directly. This is to encourage more direct and immediate connection between people.

Bonding over snacks: Fifth, in Denmark people will often go home after a class rather than stay and get to know each other. Therefore, we ask everyone to bring snacks. If you have brought snacks, you are less likely to go home before you have eaten them. While hanging out in the bar and eating the snack, people will talk to each other and make friends.

Community building: Sixth, Tangospirer is about making friends and turning individual people into a community. Therefore, we are changing partners constantly during the classes and we often pull tables together, so everyone sits together after the class.

Tangospirer Development timeline and roles

This is a timeline – not a hierarchy. People in role “x” has the task of helping people in role “x-2” to transition to role “x-1”.

  • Senior teachers help participants become junior teachers.
  • Teacher developers help junior teachers take on the tasks of senior teachers.
  • Fully-grown tango vegies help senior teachers take on the tasks of teacher developer
Role Activity
1. Participant Come to classes. Have fun. Learn stuff. Bring and eat snacks. Become part of the community. Bring friends.
2. Teacher, junior Participate in teacher team days to learn how to: be a host for the a Tangospirer eveningintroduce exercises design an introduction classkeep participants engaged during classesmake participants bond with each other during and after classesTeach and host Tangospirer evenings together with a senior Tangospirer teacher
3. Teacher, senior Participate in teacher team days to develop their teacher skills further and get inspiration and support from each otherTeach and host weekly Tangospirer eveningsTake classes elsewhere and import inspirationSpot new potential teachersHelp organise milonga fieldtrips for the sprouts
4. Teacher developer Host Tangospirer teacher team days(same as senior teacher role)
5. Fully grown tango vegetable Teach senior Tangospirer teachers to host teacher team days for junior Tangospirer teachers. At this level, one also need to teach others in the community to take over all other task one has been responsible for during one’s time in Tangospirer. In short, at this point the focus is on making oneself dispensable. You can hang out with the community as long as you like, but your most noble task is to grow people in the community in such a way that the community no longer depends on you. 

Tangospirer organisational info

Tangospirer is an association with a board of five members and two alternates. See “Tangospirer Vedtægter”.

Tangospirer has the following communication channels and practical info:

  • Facebook Page
    • Tangospirer
  • Facebook Groups
    • Tangospirer (for everyone)
    • Tangospirer teacher’s team (for the teacher team)
    • Tangospirer bestyrelse (for the board)
  • Homepage:
  • E-mail:
  • An account on Foreningsportalen (Foreningsansvarlig: Claus Springborg)
  • Inco account
  • Bank account: reg. nr. 9570 account nr. 13077800 (Danske Bank)
  • Phone for Mobilepay: 51167435 (Josephine)
  • CVR number: 38344226
  • Birthday: March 31st 2016

Recurring events

We have the following recurring events

  • Weekly class and practica
  • Bi-monthly teacher meeting where we plan teacher schedule for the next two months
  • Five weeks summer holiday
  • One-week holiday between X-mas and New Year
  • Julefrokost
  • Birthday party
  • Summer festival
  • Winter festival

Check lists

Planning and teaching an intro class

  • Check the teacher plan to see what topics have been covered the past couple of weeks. 
  • Decide on a topic and write it in the teacher plan
  • Bring a device you can use for playing music. If you don’t have a tango playlist yourself, you can use the tangospirer playlist
  • Arrive at least 15 min early to the venue (many teachers will arrive even earlier to go through the plan for the class together)

Teaching plans for intro classes

Classes consist of 4 phases: Warm-up &walking, ochos, move of the day, inspiration hook

  • 15 min: welcome, wake up the body, one-step dance, work on walking and embrace. Use no more than three exercises/tangos. Pick one focus point that is important for the group and let the rest be. For example:
    • Walking to the beat
    • Stopping and starting together
    • Firm yet relaxed embrace
    • Arriving without putting the weight on the lose leg
    • Using circles or breath to initiate steps
    • Leading projections before stepping
  • 15 min: working with ochos – either forward or backward depending on the following step. Use no more than four exercises/tangos. Pick one focus point. For example:
    • Separating leading the step and leading the turn
    • Axis awareness
    • Seeking to be in front of each other     
    • Leading ochos by turning upper body without the leader walking (preparing for sacadas, ganchos, paradas, etc.)
    • Turn upper body first and then hip (the sweater trick)
    • Big circle to lead upper body + small circle to lead hip (advanced)
  • 15 min: working with the step of the day
  • 15 min: showing flashy variations and extensions so the ones who already knows some tango can learn something new and the rest can get inspired and excited about tango
Ochos Move of the day The inspiration hook
Forward ochos Sacadas Ocho cortados Paradas + adronos Sacadas in every step or back sacadaTo both sidesAdding barridas
Backward ochos Barridas GanchosSandwich Alterationes (both forward and backward ochos) Six barridas (including behind back)Ganchos in side steps + deep ganchos where you walk throughAdd adornos and/or barridasAlteration series
Walking in 2, 3, & 4 tracks Kryds BackcrossWeightshiftsWalking with turns Many crosses in a rowTo both sidesNice series with weightshiftsTo the other side
Molinette Milonga giroMilonga rhythmMilonga crossesWaltzMusicality Use these elements in a cool longer combination
  • Info about Tangospirer (Tango is a social dance where you hang out with your friends. So, bring your friends or you will never see them again. Tangospirer is an association)
  • Information about upcoming events (from here other teachers can contribute)
  • Encourage people to stay and practice and ask others to show them more moves
  • The Ritual

How to give instructions

  • Introduce an exercise in three sentences
  • Use imperative
  • Talk less and let them move
  • Only give necessary instructions before they have done the exercise. Give more instructions afterwards, when they have some experience to connect your comments to
  • Let students dance after each single instruction (info – try out – info – try out)
  • Observe their mistakes and fit your instructions to that – pick the one thing that gives most return on time investment
  • Look at participants when giving instruction
  • Show in different directions
  • Tell people what to do – not that they are doing it wrong
  • Never say: This is difficult. Better say that it doesn’t matter whether it works today or next time
  • Follow every point with an exercise. This forces you to be selective with your points and gives a good alteration between getting new input and moving.
  • Give your extra points individually to the people who learn fast
  • Keep good dancers engaged by giving them extra tasks instead of correcting or refining their step. Show them variations once and let them struggle with it – don’t chew it for them. Or tell them to do the step they are working with to the other side, backwards, inverted and backwards, or leading the follower to do the leaders part while the leader does the followers steps.
  • Give compliments – regardless of how much they’ve learned.
    • Looking good/fabulous/great
    • Normally, we’d need to work more on this, but since you are so good, we can move on
  • Tell jokes

How to use classes to build a sense of community

  • Let everybody speak – both in plenum and to each other
  • Let everybody touch everybody by using frequent partner change
  • Make people say nice things to each other (thank you for a loooovely dance…)
  • Encourage people to stay for the after party
  • Enable people to contribute (bring snacks, help with chairs, ask people to introduce what tango is about, clean up room, help with monthly milongas, teach how to teach…)
  • Encourage people to make social activities outside the class/milonga (go eat pizza or drink something before or after class. Go to other milongas in groups)
  • Enable people to have fun (everybody learns to both lead and follow, everybody dances with everybody, no tanda/cortina structure in the after party, don’t insist on cabeceo)
  • Create and maintain Tangospirer rituals and special words
  • Tell the story of how Tangospirer was created
  • Tell stories about cool things we have done in the past
  • Repeat our reason for existing: Tango is about connection and having a good time together. We do this because we want to have more lovely people to dance with
  • Encourage people to suggest activities and events
  • Talk about special events (the yearly festival, milongas, etc.)

How to keep participants online and how to create the group during the intro class?

In short, you have to invite a conversational tone while still keeping a focus and drive.
You have to avoid the teacher-talking-to-the-students-who-listens scenario

  • Small talk in the name round – start a conversational tone while maintaining control and pace (Exercise: try it out)
    • Comment on their choices of food/furniture/clothes/what they did/etc.
    • Where are you from?
    • How did you hear about Tangospirer?
  • Ask questions that are easy to answer throughout the entire class (Exercise: one person introduces an exercise and everyone think of questions)
    • Did you know your legs could do that?
    • Doesn’t that feel nice?
    • Smart, right?
    • Do you want to learn something really cool?
    • Do you feel super tangoish when you do that?
    • Does that sound good/exciting?
    • Are you ready?
    • This feels yummy, right?
    • If nobody answers you can say: Just say yes!
    • Did you see what I did?
  • Comment on people’s non-verbal reactions (Exercise: one person introduces an exercise and everyone notices each others’ facial expressions and gestures)
    • Someone smiles: You like this move!
    • Someone looks worried: Does it look complicated?
  • Tell people that you will show a move only once and then they have to reproduce it. This will make them pay close attention/engage their alertness.  
    (Exercise: Do this in groups and everyone notices how it feels. How can you introduce this in a way that creates alertness?)
  • Give little riddles and tasks as a way to engage the thinking and activate people
    (Exercise: reformulate point into riddles)
  • Physically relax your body while teaching (Exercise: Try it out)
  • Use positive words and assumptions when speaking. Speak into a relaxed frame of mind.
    • Don’t say: Once you’ve done it many times you will feel comfortable
    • Say: It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work, it’s still fun to try
  • Push on. Don’t spend too long in any single exercise when you give common instructions and don’t spend too much time on a single couple during exercises.
  • Show how a step can be inversed (or explanded in other ways) and telling them they can try this themselves later
  • Be a host all evening.
    • Say hi and welcome to new people
    • Learn peoples’ names and use them
    • Dance with the new ones so they get a good experience.
    • If you are not in the teacher, support whatever the teachers do

Examples of detailed plans for intro classes



Stå på et ben og lave

  • Barrida moves med det frie ben
  • Markering med tåen
  • Ganchos på dem selv
  • Cirkler

Et-skridts-dans + lir (så de har balancen på et ben når de ankommer)

Dans en tango – skift roller

Baglæns ochos

  • Sideskridt til åben side
  • Drej følger og skift vægt selv
  • Endnu et sideskridt til samme side – følger går bagud
  • Drej osv.

Dans en tango – skift roller

Forberedelse 1: Grupper af tre, en står i midten, en holder vedkommendes hofte stille, en anden drejer skuldre et par gange, derpå prøver personen i midten at dreje skuldre på samme måde selv.

Forberedelse 2: Halvdelen står med lukkede øjne og en fod frem. De andre går hen og lægge hånden på skulderen og sætter en fod så der kommer en ligesidet trekant og laver barrida frem og tilbage mellem to ligesidet trekanter.

Forberedelse 3: Stop i følger baglæns ocho og føre sideskridt frem og tilbage med drej af overkrop

Barrida: Tilføj fod (aka lav barrida)

Dans en tango – skift roller

Barrida med foden på den anden side

Barrida med den anden fod (på den ene og anden side)

Dans en tango – skift roller

Barrida bag om ryggen

Dans en 3 tangoer – skift roller



One-step dance

Three-step dance

Embrace stability

  • Embrace Exercise – half the group stand with arms in circle, others push (gently) on the arms to move the person. Person has to maintain stability of the circle.
  • Show embrace
  • Recap – They can stand still and they can walk so do a full tango with that!

Back Ochos

  • Circle exercise
  • One person stands on one leg and the leader turns by moving around them – remember that it’s the outside leg that moves!!
  • Then do turn and walk – remember to separate the two movements and that’s a backward ocho!
  • Recap – Do 1 or 2 full tangos with that!!


  • Back ochos with more turn
  • Back ochos where you stop, then put the foot (this is already hard)
  • Full sandwich – place both feet (sandwich number 1), he steps around, he leads her to put the foot (sandwich number two), she steps over, turn back to front (NO FORWARD OCHOS)
  • Full sandwich w adornos!!



  • Three step dance
  • Leg pushing exercise
  • Another three step dance

Embrace stability

  • Embrace Exercise – half the group stand with arms in circle, others push (gently) on the arms to move the person. Person has to maintain stability of the circle.
  • Show embrace
  • Recap – They can stand still and they can walk so do a full tango with that!

Leading sidesteps while standing

  • Weight changes
  • Hip holding exercise (3 and 3)
  • Do the actual sidesteps

Sidestep Sacadas

  • Do sidesteps where you put the closest foot to the standing foot.
  • Do a tango with that.
  • Do sidesteps where you put the furthest foot to the standing foot.
  • Do a tango with that.

Forward Ochos

  • Do circle exercise to introduce the leader movement in the hips.
  • Use that to lead forward ochos while walking.
  • Do a tango with that
  • DO forward ochos – without walking!

Ocho sacadas

  • Put them together! Show that it doesn’t matter if you do sidesteps or ochos – you can still put the foot there and it looks cool
  • Do lots of tangos with these things

Giro sacadas (if theres time)

Boleos I





  1. Twist shoulders of follower while hips stay still. Then the follower relaxes and lets the hips catch up.
  2. Side step to open side and turn back and forth to produce the same movement as above in the spine.
  3. Lead linear boleo to get the feeling of letting the leg move up
  4. Side step to open side and lead boleo

Extra stuff

Backward ochos and boleo and then forward ochos

Backward ocho and boleo where the leader takes front or back step instead of side step to produce boleo

Boloes II

In circle

  1. Turn hip. Put leg in front / behind
  2. Plus lift
  3. Do the front in a close circle without kicking the neighbour
  4. Do the back with something behind you


  • Stand on one leg and turn the upper body
  • Stand on one leg and turn upper body to produce a pivot 90
  • Leg in front + counter torsion while lifting leg
  • Same with back boleo
  • Torsion + pivot + counter torsion and leg lift


  1. Step forward, torsion, pivot, counter torsion, pivot
  2. Step backwards – same as above
  3. Same as 10 but with boleo
  4. Same as 11 but with boleo


Leader strong legs

Stand on one leg and move the lose leg

Follower leaning hip

Stand next to each other

One person leans straight to side with hips to feel the broken line

The other holds and pushes the leg near the leaning person into the floor to counter the force.

Followers’ leaning hip plus turned upper body

Three people

Two stand in sandwich and move into leaning away from each other with hips on a line and symmetrical dance embrace. And turn upperbodies to line of shoulders are parallel.

Once in the position the third person adjusts hips and shoulders if needed

Lead sidestep with turn of upper body

Turn upper body one person with hands on hip to feel the stomach muscles

Lead side step, follower with hands on shoulders

Getting into the colgada position

Lead sidestep with turn

Place one foot perpendicular to followers foot

Go with them to indicate the leaning – follower move into hanging position with upper body twist

Push into the floor with leg, extend arms, lean back in counter position, and place the other foot

Move together back into axis

Adding the turn

Follower body freezes in hanging position while leader shuffle around. Follower changes positions

Practice the leader step alone + close embrace + colgada

Exit strategies

Open up and do side step away from follower, leading a forward ocho

Turn follower and lead a backward ocho


Show that it is possible to do colgadas from backwards ochos and insinuate that it is possible to do it from forward ochos

Milonga rhythm

Introduce steps and then add rhythm

  1. Walking
  2. Walking with stops
  3. Walking with double time
  4. Rebote (only in rhythm)
  5. Freeze step / picture opportunity (only in rhythm)
  6. Walking and collecting feet with weight shift
  7. Walking and collecting feet with weight shift and changing direction
  8. Forward, weight shift, left, forward, weight shift, right
  9. Molinette
  10. Milonga giro
  11. Cross for both
  12. Cross to the other side for both
  13. Mix it all, but stay in the rhythm


  1. Three step dance (3sd)
    1. 3sd with focus on balance
    1. 3sd with focus on pushing the floor to move
    1. 3sd with focus on solid embrace
  2. Leading turns on one foot by moving on the circle around the followers axis.
  3. Leading/following forward ochos by leading turns and steps:
  4. Leading/following backward ochos
  5. Leading/following the turn of the alteration

For the rest, we will just show them and not explain much:

  • Lead forward ocho – side step – walking forward in crossed system on the closed side and getting from there into back ocho
  • The funky sequence you love (which is a combination of an alteration from back ocho to forward ocho with the move in exercise 6

Teacher team day

The teacher team day consists of four elements

  1. Introduce Tangospirer values, purpose, and culture
  2. How to design intro classes (practice introducing exercises)
  3. How to engage participants (practice engaging people in small talk)
  4. Dance together

Tangospirer games

Et skridts dans

Cabeseo leg

  • Stå i en cirkel og tal med en partner mens du samtidig holder øje med alle andre i rummet
  • Få øjenkontakt med en fra en af de andre par og byd op
  • Gå sammen og dans
  • Når alle har fundet dansepartnere på den måde kan man går alle med deres partner ud i cirkelen og man kan begynde en ny runde

Stopdans med følgerskift

  • Alle danser til en tango
  • Når alle er godt i gang stopper DJ’en musikken og alle står stille i den position de er i
  • Alle følgere forlader deres partner, som bliver i den position de stoppede i
  • Alle følgere går hen til en ny fører og indtager en position der passer til den position føreren har
  • Musikken starter igen og føreren må finde en måde at komme videre på

Stopdans med førerskift (prøv at lave den her hvor følgerene hele tiden har lukkede øjne)

  • Alle danser til en tango
  • Når alle er godt i gang stopper DJ’en musikken og alle står stille i den position de er i
  • Alle førere forlader deres partnere, som bliver i den position de stoppede i
  • Alle førere finder en ny partner og indtager en position der passer til den position den ny følger har
  • Musikken starter igen og føreren må finde en måde at komme videre på

Pakket dansegulv

  • Stil stole op for at lave et lille afgrænset rum.
  • Alle par går ud og stiller sig i en enkelt cirkel
  • Musikken starter og alle par danser rundt mens de holder deres position i kæden
  • Ind imellem kan et par forlade dansegulvet og gå rundt til et andet sted og komme ind igen
  • Når man går ind kigger får man øjenkontakt med den fører man vil ind foran og denne give en plads

Tangospirer vedtægter

Tango Spirer – en folkeoplysende forening til fremme at interessen for Argentinsk tango blandt unge 15-30.

§ 1. Foreningens navn og hjemsted
Foreningens navn er Tangospirer og dens hjemsted er København.

§ 2. Foreningens formål
Foreningens formål er at fremme interessen for Argentinsk tango blandt unge (under 30) samt udvikle medlemmernes evne og lyst til at engagere sig og tage medansvar i foreningen og i det lokale samfund.

§ 3. Betingelser for medlemskab
Som medlemmer af foreningen kan optages alle, som ønsker aktivt at arbejde for foreningens formål.

§ 4. Kontingent
Til drift af foreningens formål betales et årligt kontingent, hvis størrelse fastsættes på den ordinære generalforsamling. Kontingentet skal minimum sættes så det er muligt for foreningen at opnå støtte fra Københavns Kommune i form af gratis lokaler.

§ 5. Regnskab og revision
Regnskabsåret er kalenderåret. Regnskabet revideres af foreningens revisor og fremlægges til godkendelse på den ordinære generalforsamling. Det reviderede regnskab skal være fremsendt til medlemmer senest 14 dage før den ordinære general forsamling.
Foreningens midler opbevares på foreningens bankkonto.

§ 6. Generalforsamling
Generalforsamlingen, der er foreningens øverste myndighed, afholdes hvert år i april måned. Generalforsamlingen indkaldes med mindst 14 dages varsel ved skriftlig meddelelse til medlemmer. Dagsorden og regnskabet vedlægges indkaldelsen.

Forslag der ønskes behandlet på mødet skal være formanden i hænde senest 7 dage før generalforsamlingen. 

§ 7. Dagsorden
Dagsorden for den ordinære generalforsamling skal indeholde følgende punkter:

  1. Valg af dirigent.
  2. Bestyrelsens beretning.
  3. Fremlæggelse og godkendelse af foreningens regnskab.
  4. Behandling af indkomne forslag.
  5. Fastsættelse af kontingent.
  6. Valg af bestyrelsesmedlemmer og suppleanter.
  7. Valg af revisor og suppleant.
  8. Eventuelt.

§ 8. Stemmeret og afstemning
Stemmeret til generalforsamlingen har de fremmødte medlemmer. Medlemmer, der er i kontingentrestance har ikke stemmeret.

Medlemmerne træffer beslutning ved stemmeflertal, undtagen i de tilfælde hvor der til afstemningen foreligger forslag til vedtægtsændringer eller opløsning af foreningen.

Forslag til vedtægtsændringer kan kun vedtages med 2/3 majoritet af de fremmødte medlemmer.

Forslag til opløsning eller ændring af foreningens formål kan kun vedtages på en særligt indkaldt generalforsamling, jf. § 12.

Afstemningen sker ved håndsoprækning, men såfremt dirigenten eller et medlem forlanger det, skal afstemningen ske skriftligt.

§ 9. Ekstraordinær generalforsamling
Ekstraordinær generalforsamling afholdes, når et flertal for bestyrelsen eller når mindst 1/3 af foreningens stemmeberettigede medlemmer skriftligt fremsætter begæring herom til bestyrelsen med angivelse af dagsorden.

Indkaldelse til ekstraordinær generalforsamling skal ske senest 14 dage efter krav er fremkommet og indkaldes med samme varsel som den ordinære generalforsamling.

§ 10. Tegningsret for foreningen
Foreningen tegnes af bestyrelsen.

§ 11. Bestyrelsen
Foreningens daglige ledelse ligger hos bestyrelsen, der består af 5 medlemmer.

Bestyrelsesmedlemmer vælges for 2 år ad gangen. Genvalg kan ske. Formand og 1 bestyrelsesmedlem vælges de ulige år og 3 bestyrelsesmedlem vælges de lige år. Ved førstkommende bestyrelsesmøde efter generalforsamlingen konstituerer bestyrelsen sig selv og vælger kasserer og næstformand.

Der vælges hvert år 2 suppleanter til bestyrelsen, som træder ind i tilfælde af et bestyrelsesmedlem forlader bestyrelsen indenfor valgperioden.

Bestyrelsen er ansvarlig overfor generalforsamlingen. Beslutninger træffes ved stemmeflertal og i tilfælde af stemmelighed er formandens stemme afgørende.

Bestyrelsesmøder afholdes så ofte formanden eller 2 bestyrelsesmedlemmer finder det nødvendigt og indkaldes med mindst 7 dages varsel.

Bestyrelsen er berettiget til at eksludere et medlem, hvis den finder særlig anledning dertil, men vedkommende medlem har ret til at forelægge sagen ved den førstkommende generalforsamling.

Såfremt et medlem udtræder af bestyrelsen inden valgperiodens udløb, indtræder suppleanten, som derefter sidder til førstkommende ordinære generalforsamling.

§ 12. Foreningens ophør
Forslag til opløsning eller ændring af foreningens formål kan kun vedtages på en særligt indkaldt generalforsamling. 2/3 af medlemmerne skal være repræsenteret og mindst 3/4 af de fremmødte stemmeberettigede medlemmer skal stemme for forslaget.

Såfremt der ikke er repræsenteret et tilstrækkeligt antal medlemmer, indkaldes til en ny generalforsamling, der kan træffe beslutning med kvalificeret flertal, uden hensyn til de fremmødtes antal.

I tilfælde af opløsning tilfalder foreningens formue/overskud Tango Foreningen

Således vedtaget på den stiftende generalforsamling den 21. august 2016.

Infomail sent to all tango teachers in CPH to introduce the Tangospirer Project

Kære NN

Som du jo allerede ved, har vi (Nina og Claus) i samarbejde med Linus/Tangobar gennem det sidste år arbejdet på at skabe en ny gruppe af unge tangodansere i alderen 15-30. Vi kalder gruppen Tangospirer.

Vi skriver, fordi vi føler, at det nu er tid til at fortælle lidt om vores mål, om hvor vi er nået til, og om hvordan du kan få gavn af og støtte op om Tangospirerprojektet.

Målet med vores arbejde er kort og godt at skabe rigtig mange nye unge tangodansere til gavn for hele den københavnske tangoscene. Vi har derfor arbejdet på at etablere et læringsfællesskab, hvor unge kan blive introduceret til tango af andre unge gennem gratis ugentlige events. Vores mål er langsigtet. Mange af dem, der nu kommer til tangospirer-aftenen er studerende med begrænset økonomi. Men på sigt vil de blive færdige med studierne og blive til en ny generation af tangodansere, der vil fylde milongaer, practicaer, festivaler og tage privattimer og holdundervisning.

Det første år er gået rigtig godt. Tangospirers facebookgruppe har nu over 300 unge, der har været forbi vores ugentlige events. Vi ser nye unge hver uge – og mange af dem kommer igen. Vi begynder nu at se vores mål blive til virkelighed. Flere af de tangospirer, der har været med fra starten, er begyndt at tage ud på milongaer/practicaer, og nogle af dem er begyndt at tage holdundervisning på forskellige skoler. Der er endda et par af dem, der har været en tur i Bs As. Vi er rigtig glade for at se den udvikling.

Og det er her, du kommer ind i billedet. Vi har forståelse og respekt for, at der er mange i København, der i større eller mindre grad lever af tangoen. Og vi ønsker at Tangospirerprojektet skal være til gavn for dem, der underviser og afholder tangoevents.

Du kan få gavn af Tangospireprojektet ved at støtte op om det. Hvis du gerne vil have, at vi promoverer din milonga/practica/holdundervisning til tangospirerne, kan du ganske enkelt lave gode tilbud til tangospirerne og sende dem til os ( Så poster vi dem i Tangospirers facebookgruppe og taler varmt for dem på vores ugentlige events.

Vi har selv gjort alt dette arbejde gratis, simpelthen fordi vi havde tid og syntes, at det var vigtigt. Linus har støttet op om projektet fra starten ved at stille Tangobars lokaler gratis til rådighed bl.a. for vores ugentlige event. Vi er også blevet mødt med opmuntrende ord fra mange studerende og undervisere, når vi har været ude på milongaer. Vi er rigtig glade for den opbakning, vi har fået ind til videre. Det giver os energi til at fortsætte med vores mission om at konvertere alle unge i København til tangodansere – en spirer ad gangen.

Hvis du har lyst til at tale med os om projektet, er du meget velkommen til at kontakte os på mail Du kan også læse mere på hjemmesiden:

VH Claus, Nina og tangospirerne